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Welcome to Jay’s Outdoor Life! I am aiming to not only blog my outdoor adventures but to be a one-stop resource for all things Outdoorsman related, with a focus on fair chase hunting, fishing, foraging as well as processing your harvest and making delicious, memorable meals out of it. We are quickly growing and changing, so check back often! I also welcome all ideas for content! If there’s something you want to see, let me know in our forums or shoot me a personal message or email and I will try to make it happen! Also please stop by the forums and introduce yourselves, lets all work together to make this Outdoor community grow!
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Pollution History and Recovery of the Lower Connecticut River (Oxbow to Long Island Sound)
Early River Conditions and Pre-Industrial Impacts (1600s–1700s) Prior to European settlement, the Connecticut River’s waters were essentially pristine, supporting rich fisheries and clear flows. Indigenous peoples fished and farmed along the river, which they called Quinnetukut (“long tidal river”), without degrading its water quality connecticuthistory.org Early European colonists in the 1600s and 1700s made relatively small impacts on water quality. Small sawmills and gristmills were built on tributaries and [...]
Fiddlehead Foraging in Massachusetts and Connecticut: A Wild Springtime Delicacy
Few wild foods capture the essence of early spring like fiddleheads. These tightly coiled, vibrant green ferns emerge as winter loosens its grip, offering foragers in Massachusetts and Connecticut a fleeting yet rewarding harvest. Whether you’re a seasoned wild food enthusiast or a beginner looking to dip your toes into foraging, fiddleheads present an easy entry point to the world of edible plants. Beyond their earthy, slightly nutty flavor, [...]
Fishing the Connecticut River in Early Spring: A Guide to the Enfield-Windsor Locks Stretch
Introduction: A River AwakensAs winter loosens its grip, the Connecticut River comes alive with new fishing opportunities. From Enfield to Windsor Locks, this stretch transforms into a prime location for early spring fishing, offering anglers a chance to target a variety of species, including northern pike, bass, American shad, striped bass, catfish, and carp.Whether you're a seasoned angler or just getting started, this guide will help you understand the [...]
Gray Squirrel Bonanza – Benjamin Marauder .22 PCP
BYUUUUP! Its time of year again, yup gray squirrel season! Yeeeee Haaaaa! PEW! PEW! PEW! In this video I dispatch 16 or so over a few day period. All kills were made on my private property and all squirrels were cleaned, butchered and vacuum packed for winter consumption. I have altered the video format a bit to allow more video action and less yappin. Give me your thoughts on the [...]
Chipmunk Smackdown #7
Here is my seventh installment for 2017 featuring more chipmunk pesting here at camp Hajimoto. I have over 50 kills and will be rolling out bite sized videos rather than a 1 hour feature. I pack the video full of Chipmunk a smack downs, other than the chokes! LOL Below are some links to the folks I shouted out in this video. Please go and visit their channels and tell [...]
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